Friday, March 24, 2017

God Wants You To Draw From Him By Joseph Prince

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
God Wants You To Draw From Him
By Joseph Prince

Did you know that giving to you actually brings joy to God’s heart? When you place a demand on Him—like look to Him to heal you—you let Him be God. When you draw from His fullness—His abundance of life, health and blessing—you delight Him!

When you come empty and draw from God, the One who has endless supply, you honor Him and let Him be God. You free Him to pour His abundant supply of health, wholeness and peace into your life! That’s why God wants you to come expectantly to Him for your healing and for every single one of your needs today.

So see Him ready to pour His abundance out for you. See Him rejoicing when you call upon Him. Meditate on and see His heart of love that always wants to give to you. Receive from His fullness and see your healing and answer to every need manifest!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -